To demonstrate how easy it is to create interactive data exploration apps with linked-charts, we show here a very simple example, complete with the code needed to create it.
This example visualizes an excerpt of data from a project within FIMM's Individualized Systems Medicine programme. From a cohort of (here) 52 patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), samples of tumour cells were acquired by means of bone marrow aspiration. Each sample was assayed by various means, including RNA-Seq to measure gene expressions and an assay which tested the sensitivity of each sample to a large panel of drugs. For the latter, aliqots of the samples were incubated with the drugs and then viability was measured.
For this example, we ask the simple question: Which drugs correlate with which genes?
For illustration purposes, the data was preselected to 10 drugs (all topoisomerase inhibitors) and 35 genes. For each pair of a drug and a gene, the heat map visualizes the Pearson correlation between the sensitivity of the drug and the expression of the gene over all samples.
A correlation coefficient is merely a summary statistic. It is valuable to be able to inspect the underlying data. Here, a click on a heat map cells shows this underlying data in a scatter plot; expression of the selected gene on the x axis, sensitivity to the selected drug on the y axis, each point representing one sample.
This linking of a chart visualizing a summary statistic with a chart drilling down into the data of a specific data element is a prototypical use case of linked-charts.
A user of our framework can create apps with very little code. Bellow we show the part of the code that hasn't been explained in previous examples. You can find the complete code at the bottom of the page.
Click on all the yellow bubbles
( Here we load the linked-charts library and its stylesheet. It comes bundled with d3, d3-beeswarm plugin and FileSaver.js There are various ways to load the data. Here, we demonstrate the simplest way: just inline it into the page. The data was originally an R matrix. We used the toJSON function of R's 'jsonlite' package to write out the data in a form that can be read in JavaScript, and copied and pasted this here. More about data input you can find here
The labels for the heatmap will be taken from these two string vectors. The vectors
have lengths 35 and 10, but some of the elements have been omitted to not clutter the page.
The main data are given in these two data matrices. The first contains
35 × 52 gene expression values for 35 genes (matrix rows) times
52 samples (matrix columns). The second contains drug response scores for 10 drugs
times the same 52 samples.
The layout of a set of linked charts is specified by writing a normal web page
in standard HTML. Here, our page merely contains one table with one row and
two table data (<td>) elements, each of which will take up one of the charts.
Further below, we will refer to these <td> by the
id attributes
that are set here.
This is the actual user script to use the linked-charts library.
These two global variables provide the link between the heatmap and the scatter plot: They always show the row number (gene) and column number (drug) of the last heatmap cell on which the user has clicked (or, initially, 0, i.e., the top-left cell). Here, we initialize a In the following lines, we set the object's properties Linked-charts uses call-back functions to access the data: These two functions are called for
each data point, being passed the number of the data point as argument. They look up the gene
expression and drug response score in the input matrices, looking at the column for sample
The global variables defined above are consulted, so that the scatter plot uses the data from the rows corresponding to gene and drug selected by the user's last click on the heatmap. Axes and scaling is automatically adjusted to the value range (but this can be overridden). Besides The Here, we instantiate the second chart, namely the heatmap on the left. The Here, we set the basic properties of the heatmap: The numbers of rows ( The number of rows (number of genes) and columns (number of drugs) is read off from the number of rows of the two data arrays. We use one of D3's color palettes for the heatmap's colour scale. These colours should map the correlation values, which range from -1 to 1. As do all charts in the linked-charts library, heatmaps access their data via callback functions. For
this, the property Here, we provide a function that looks up the data row corresponding to This example shows that it is not necessary to bring the data into a specific form to display it with linked-charts. Thanks to the call-back mechanism, we can code access to the data in whatever form it is provided and even do small calculations on the fly. The row and column labels displayed at the side of the heatmap are also provided by call-back functions, which are called individually for each row and each column. In our input data, the mapping of rows of the input data matrices to gene and drug names is provided by two vectors of labels, which are accessed here. The property The function takes the row and column index of the clicked heatmap cell from the provided arguments
and saves them in the two global variables Then, the This simple and transparent style of linking two plots is the heart of linked-charts. |
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